Finance Planning: Introduction to Financial Management.
In this Lecture, you will be able to, Explain the importance of financial management, Describe the inter-relation among financial decisions, Explain the functional areas of modern financial management, Discuss the organization of the finance functions, Describe the objectives of financial management.

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Overcoming the First Year for Startups

It doesn’t matter if you are operating in the automotive, energy, food or education industry, there is a big chance that your startup business would encounter critical issues much like with other fledging companies. There’s no denying to the fact that the initial year of a business is the most critical and difficult. There are simply tons of challenges that have to be conquered. But it is these challenges that will keep our business stronger and firmer.

Though, things are different when you are trading and using MT4 indicators. You may be see this as a source of fund to fuel your business but things are totally different because aside from being on top of what is happening, you have to make thorough analysis of where the market would go. By market, we mean global level not just on a specific niche.

Now, if you would be putting up a business, here are the common problems that it would likely face and practical advice on how you could overcome them.

Stick to Your Vision and Mission

Tactics and strategies are going to change for sure but, your main mission could serve as the driving force behind what you’re trying to achieve. For many companies, everything done, ought to be mission-oriented. After all, it is your mission that is cementing the long-term objectives of your business. This helps in improving what can still be improved and pinpointing weak spots.

If you stray away from your company’s core, then you are risking to let go of opportunities that would come your way and fail to build a unified, cohesive and above all, meaningful series of services and products.

Establish Healthy Company Culture

As much as possible, make an effort to establish the ideal business culture at the early stage of your business. This culture will start with permeates and organization leaders which will then be passed down to the rest of the team. Corporate culture is important for this is setting the tone for what attitudes and behaviors are appropriate and what’s not.

Simply speaking, it will serve as your guidance on approaching operational problems and lastly, has a huge impact on the company’s capability to retain, recruit and also, develop staffs.

Try to think of it this way, would you like your company to be filled with people who are working hard, problem solvers and analytical and doing it on their own or, would you like a company in which it feels like it’s everyone’s game? Clearly, there’s more unity and teamwork in the former and that is the path you want to go with your culture.

Play it Safe when Trading Bitcoins with Crypto Trading Bots

Making use of Bitcoin trading bot as a business is possible but most are using it for trading. There are more and more people who started venturing into and were successful in making big returns on their investments. Majority of these traders were using Bitcoin robots in an effort to drive in big profits. Bitcoin bots are basically software that is interacting directly with the financial exchanges. Aside from that, these robots are monitoring the movement of market price and placing buy and sell orders on behalf of the trader after collecting valuable data.

As a matter of fact, there are a number of benefits for using Bitcoin trading bot. Feeling skeptical, then keep on reading…

Trade on a Safe Zone

Of course, there are risks associated in virtually everything and crypto trading is not an exception. It is vital to have the knowledge to trade properly and come up with informed decisions. With a Bitcoin robot though, it will be keeping you informed from losing investments uncontrollably.

With the availability of Bitcoin robot coupled with options for flexible trading like a free demo account, it can help you in building your confidence and trading experience. Bitcoin robots are supporting licensed brokers and have great standing where you’re sure that your funds are safe. Thus, you’re operating from safe zone when trading with Bitcoin robot.

Configure Your Trading Preferences

Bitcoins that are properly coded can provide remarkable opportunities in choosing your trading assets at any given time.

These robots are offering advanced trade configurations to make trading a lot simpler. With the robot, you will be able to set probabilities among trading signals and this would help you in getting a more accurate trading data, which is pretty helpful when making trades.

Now, if ever you mess up with settings, it is easy to restore them to default or you may contact customer service to assist you.

Tracking Price Fluctuation

If there’s something that you have to know about Bitcoin, it’s the fact that it has huge variations on price for every trading day. Dependable Bitcoin robots are capable of gathering these price fluctuations and use them to make big profits from investments made.

Robots are actually way better in trading Bitcoins than humans because they’re not attached to any emotions. The capability of a Bitcoin robot to make use of complex trading algorithms in tracking these fluctuations and making best trade decisions puts you in better position in driving bigger profits.

How To Get Your Loan Approved

One of the factors that affect a person’s loan application being rejected by a bank or other financial institution is a bad credit score. Before giving out a loan, financial institutions (such as banks or finance companies) explore the risk profile of the prospective debtor. One of them is through credit scores.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a measure of a person’s creditworthiness, in the form of numerical figures that are calculated algorithmically based on information contained in credit reports. This score will be a reference to determine whether the loan application is feasible to be approved or rejected.

Credit scores generally range from 250 to 900. The higher a person’s credit score, the lower the person’s risk level. That is, the person has the ability to pay their obligations, and vice versa. A good credit score means you have gained the trust of financial institutions.

Here are tips for improving credit scores to make it easier to get loans quoted from various sources:

1. Take advantage of credit cards

If you want to have a good credit history, the first thing to do is to have a credit transaction first. One can start building a credit history from the simplest way, which is to apply for a credit card.

However, you must use your credit card wisely as needed and make payments on time so that the credit score is maintained.

With credit data and credit payments consistently through the use of credit cards, a person’s credit score can also be calculated so that a person’s risk profile can begin to build.

2. Limit loans to no more than 30 percent of total monthly income

Credit scores have the potential to be low, if the total loan reaches 30 percent or more of the total income. Creditors will think of you as a potential debtor who is at risk of experiencing bad credit and is less responsible.

Therefore, you should first complete an installment or loan before applying for a new loan. This is to show that you are a responsible and trustworthy person.

3. Pay bills on time

The smooth and commitment of paying bills on time is the key to improving credit scores. Paying late will have a negative impact on your credit score.

So you don’t forget to pay your bills on time, you can use the automatic payment feature or use a calendar reminder.

4. Save unused credit cards

According to Experian, a global consumer credit rating company, keeping unused credit cards active, as long as it doesn’t burden you with annual fees is a smart strategy to maintain credit scores.

This is because closing a credit card account can increase your credit usage ratio. Having the same amount but having fewer active accounts can reduce your credit score.

Keeping a good credit history by maintaining a good credit standing is the very first thing you should know if you want to get a loan in the future, regardless if it is for personal expense or for starting a business.

Need financial help due to car accident?

If you are facing a legal case due to car accidents, and if you need urgent financial help, you may consider talking to your lawyer or any legal officer to help you take out a car accident cash advance. This type of funding is specially designed to help people facing legal issues and expecting settlement in the future.

This type of funding doesn’t look into the plaintiff’s credit score and thus you don’t have to worry if you have bad credit because this type of loan are in fact cash advances and issued to you based on your pending legal case.

Why Do You Need to Start an Affiliate Marketing Business?

Basically, there are too many ways to earn money using the world wide web. Three of the most popular online money earning programs are the blog writing, cryptocurrencies, and affiliate marketing. Among the three, affiliate marketing is the one that really rocks. And, there are numbers of artistic and technical people that love this kind of business. Why, because people engaging in this kind of business tend to live with ease, work during their intended hours, and work at the comfort of their home.

Affiliate marketing is an online business that is rewarding to an individual or to group of affiliates. An affiliate marketer usually partners with trader of products or services. The next step is the creation of own website that advertise the products or services with ads that is connected to the advertiser. Once customers are gained through your website, then you obtain percentage from the profit.

There are generally four various ways in which an affiliate marketer can earn money in this industry. This is typically based on the agreement with the trader of the products or services. These ways are on a pay-per-scale, pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-call activities. All of these activities may help you to land on an earning through online marketing.

Reasons to Begin an Affiliate Marketing Business

Now that you have a little bit of idea about affiliate marketing, here are some of the purposes and ideas why you must have to start up this kind of business. These may also help you to market your business the right way.

1. An economical start-up business

The start-up cost for this business is really none. Basically, you don’t need to invest on any products to produce or stock up in your store. Moreover, you don’t need to improve any services. What you’ll need is to have a website of your own and to sign up on an affiliate program.

Signing up for an affiliate marketing program is free of charge. And there are reviews available online that you can read as your guide. I’d read the Deadline News article and it give good reviews on some useful affiliate marketing program.

2. Easy to improve

Affiliate marketing is a kind of business that can be scale or level up. Handling your overhead and maintaining its number is all up to you and to the performance of your business. Moreover, making your own business label may solely depends on you and you can employ other affiliates to promote your brand. You can either be a pioneer or a seller to make money from it.

3. You can sell what you want

Through affiliate marketing, you can build your career on your own. It is highly advisable if you work on products that you really value a lot. This strategy makes it easy for you to sell products because you do not have to lie or create a story out of it.

Affiliate marketing is a kind of business that don’t urge you to sell products that you do not like.

U.S. and China Have Contrasting Reactions to Outcome of Latest Round of US-China Trade Talks

In an effort to settle the trade dispute that has dragged on for more than a year, U.S. And Chinese officials once again met in Washington to discuss new terms and conditions that could potentially end the ongoing trade war.

According to U.S. negotiators, they have arrived at a “phase-one deal”, to which the U.S. agreed to a suspension of the tariff increase that was supposed to take effect last October 15, 2019. President Trump agreed to the partial agreement, which he said also included a deal that would have China purchasing around $40 to $50 billion U.S. agricultural products, and of addressing concerns over financial and intellectual property deals.

What the Chinese Side is Saying about the Outcome of the Recent Trade Negotiations

Gao Feng, the official spokesperson for China’s Ministry of Commerce said there is no official confirmation of the amount of agricultural purchases to which China has agreed. Although Gao confirmed that as far as agreement to place orders for U.S. agricultural products are concerned, Chinese companies would increase their purchases of U.S. agricultural products in accordance with market-based principles, particularly, the demand of the Chinese market.


Apparently wary of the U.S.’ reputation for backpedaling on previous agreements, the official Chinese state-owned English newspaper came out with an opinion piece entitled “Let’s nail down ‘phase one’first, before advancing to the next,”which suggests anticipation of the Trump administration’s unpredictable tendencies.

Small Business Funding Options Aside From Traditional Bank Loans

Numerous free crypto signals have become available for cryptocurrency users to give them trade ideas and recommendations at which best time and price a certain crypto is best to buy or sell. Such signals have been created since digital currencies have become quite popular among investors and crypto enthusiasts despite of it being volatile.

Crytocurrency for Business Startup

Since its advent, crypto had been making its way into many industries, one of which is the business industry. Today, although not as prevalent, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin could be used to finance a business startup or business outlays. With many people wanting to venture into business, other financing options are being considered aside from the traditional source of financing.

For crypto holders, utilizing crypto to start a business or pay for business expenses may be an option as they already have access to it and crypto assets; however for those without access and assets, this is obviously not an option. Nonetheless, there are still numerous ways to fund a startup, especially a small business.

Non-crypto Source of Funding A Small Business

Although business proprietors merely think of the typical bank loans as a source of capitals, there are other options that are much better than the usual loans from financial institutions. The following are some possibilities:

  • Self-Financing

Debatably, self-financing is one common option of funding small business startups. While it has its downsides, it is still an excellent way to start. It involves utilizing assets of great value that you hold to secure a loan that is more flexible and with low rate of interest. However, if you are unable to settle the loan, you risk losing these assets.

  • Crowdfunding

Many years ago, crowdfunding looked impractical and unviable, but with many proving its practicality, crowdfunding has become very possible and has turned out to be a favored option of financing a small business. Although many companies find it tough to acquire traction on platforms for crowdfunding, several do and benefit immensely.

  • Product Presales

Financing through Product presale is another option to earn capital for a small business. When your product is completely developed, you could make presales prior to even presenting it. It is imperative to note that the product must be market-ready. If the product that you have developed gains market traction, you could utilize the money form the presale fund your business prior the launch. This financing strategy was used Elon Musk and Tesla during their initial production years.

  • Angel Investors

Angel investors are individuals who are well-off providing funding for business startups. They usually lend funds in exchange for convertible debt or equity in your business. An angel investor could be an excellent funding option especially if you’re at the preliminary stages of establishing your small business. Angel investors may be a person you already know, like a friend, a relative, or a mentor.

Deal or No-Deal Brexit – UK Seniors Explore Different Ways to Boost or Optimise Retirement Funds

Many UK seniors and non-British workers are still anxious over how a Deal or a No-Deal Brexit could affect their UK state pension; or on how and where foreign-based UK retirees and non-British workers in the UK, should coordinate state pension claims.

Actually, there is no cause for worry even if the finalisation of the withdrawal event is taking a long time to materialise. The latest deadline set is on October 31, 2019, to which the UK government has updated the State and Pension web pages. They provide up-to-date information on matters that concern British and non-British retirees living and/or working in the UK. That way, currently retired senior adults and those who plan to retire can prepare a retirement plan based on either a Deal or No-Deal Brexit withdrawal.

The more important thing is for UK retirees or future retirees, regardless of nationality, move forward with a retirement plan. Let’s face it, saving up for a future retirement is a challenging mission. Even more so if goods and medication, would have higher prices if coming from any of the EU economic zones.

Important Options Available to Senior Adults Who Retire

Most retirees anticipate reaching a stage where state pensions or money saved for retirement will not be enough in addressing deteriorating physical and health conditions. They therefore look for ways to increase or optimise their retirement funds as early as possible.

Those who were able to own the property in which they live consider taking out a mortgage loan under a home equity release scheme. Others who are not as fortunate optimise their retirement money by cohabiting with relatives or nearest family. Some others co-share a home with other retirees, or with a younger adult. The latter arrangement though requires help of a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping seniors cope with the difficulties of living alone.

Home Equity Release Mortgage

There are several types of equity release mortgages to choose from when seeking to boost one’s retirement funds. The most basic is the Lifetime Mortgage, which allows an elderly to borrow funds using their real property as collateral. Its main feature is that it allows borrowers, age 55 and beyond, to cash out a portion of their equity but without requiring monthly payments.

The payment scheme of a Lifetime Mortgage works on the principle that the mortgaged property, will in time, appreciate in value. The property therefore will be sold in the future, once the senior borrower passes away, or when he or reaches a condition that requires full and long-term nursing care in a facility.

To at least have an idea on how much can be borrowed, be sure to use the kind of equity release calculator uk lenders are using. That way the tool will calculate the loanable equity amount based on data related to British seniors and to UK properties.

Cohabitation or Home Sharing Options for Seniors

Adult children of retired Britons usually offer their retired parents the comfort of their home to help optimise their parent’s retirement money. This is usually true if retired parents are only renting out a flat or a big house that was once home to a big family. Some retired seniors prefer not to impose on the family of their adult children, since they want to have the freedom to live as they please during retirement.

In such cases, some non-profit organisations extend help by looking for a potential homesharer, who can stay with, and at least be a friend to the senior sharing his or her home. Home Sharing administrators carefully vet a potential homesharer. They usually select a younger adult willing to do some simple chores for the sharing senior, as an alternative to paying rent. Both the homesharing senior and the younger adult pay the non-profit organisation a monthly minimum fee for their administrative services.

Marketing Your Business The Right Way

Competition is becoming harder and harder these days since the industry is becoming very progressive in such a fast pace. Businesses are required to be more unique and adaptive for customer usage and want. Almost every business possible is already existing and nothing can be more in the industry than to excel in your field and make people see what is enticing in your brand compared to hundreds of other brands that are in the same line of the channel. Marketing and advertising is the game to win the hearts of the customers, and that is what you need to focus on.

The Three-Step Game to Basic Marketing

Know Your Industry. When running a business, it is always best for you to know your essentials. From people you’re gonna be working with to where you’re gonna be working at, getting yourself familiar with your field is one way to best play the game. The truth is doing a good job is not enough to make the cut in your field, but being smart on how you market your business or yourself will give you more opportunities, whether meeting important people in your industry or being the important one.

Being Authentic. Authenticity is something that will last forever. To make the first step a successful one, this latter is important to always mind. Pioneers in your field always have a strong sense in identifying who is really working and who are really selling. Being half-ass in what you do will never benefit you, and may cause you to lose strings that you have established. In a strong competition, always remember that the one who keeps it real will always have the additional score.

Learn to give importance to your consumers. Often, businessmen become so invested in making their brand big that they forget who really gets to decide who is who. Your costumers will always have the say to what you offer in the market and it is best to let them feel that they are prioritized and valued altogether. Providing services, products, and events for them to make them feel the most included in your brand will give you the best step ahead of everyone. Neglecting them is basically bad credit.

The Advantages of a Business Loan

Many individuals take out a loan from financial institutions or lending companies, such as American Pride Legal Funding, especially during times of immediate need. Such need is no different from business proprietors, especially when the economy is not at its best.

An individual doesn’t need to have finished a degree in finance or economics to see that the economy of many nations around the globe isn’t doing quite well. At times, even nations with a strong economy may undergo a crisis or recession. Rates of unemployment may rise, and numerous companies may go bankrupt, whereas others may be hardly getting by. In the dynamic and fluctuating climate of the economy, small scale business owners’ only choice is to take out a business loan to obtain the money they need to keep their business in operation. With a cost-effective business loan, just about any business could notice instantaneous growth provided that the supplementary capital is utilized judiciously.

Why Consider a Business Loan?

Business loans are obtained for various reasons as it helps in growing a business, such as to safeguard financing or cash flow to sustain the operations of the business, invest in business equipment to improve the business, open a new outlet, or for other business-related undertakings. Business loans are generally easy to get hold of since there are a huge number of lenders who are eager and ready to collaborate with business proprietors with a certain credit score, an established income, as well as a proper business plan.

Benefits of a Business Loan

The greatest advantage of getting a loan in times when the economy is hit hard is that businesses could utilize it to raise their working or operational capital. Although businesses who are considering expanding frequently have sufficient cash to turn into something larger, getting a loan permits them to keep alive their cash flow for business operations to make it simpler and smoother for them to deal with any sudden expenditures. Therefore, businesses are able to repay their loan through the use of the new revenue earned from the business expansion.

Typically, in the event that the loan is granted to a corporate unit, the proprietor of the business won’t repay the loan if the company is unsuccessful. When it comes to it, the company is liquidated. This aids to repay a partial or the entire amount of the finances borrowed. Several business proprietors keep this beneficial attribute in check when borrowing funds since in case of a default, it is merely the business itself that goes bankrupt, not the proprietor.

In the long run, all proprietors of businesses should assess the needs and wants of their business prior to get in touch and making an agreement with a lender to identify which kind of lender is fitting for their business. In the same way, it is necessary that business proprietors read every detail of the terms and conditions associated with any loan they are contemplating on taking.

Prolonged US-China Trade War Starting to Erode the Confidence of Small Businesses

The prolonged trade war between the United States and China is fast causing an erosion in the confidence of small business operators and owners.

Although the majority, 58% percent, of those surveyed by SurveyMonkey and CNBC, are still optimistic that they will see revenue growth in the next 12 months or so, as many as 55 % also said that they expect the ongoing trade policy to eventually create a negative impact on their business by next year,

According to CNBC, the drop in the confidence of small business owners and operators has fallen to a level not seen since the survey taken in 2017. As it is, entrepreneurs of small businesses, encounter direct or indirect hits that are triggering the gradual erosion of overall confidence in the sector.

According to Survey Monkey’s senior research scientist, Laura Wronski, entrepreneurs are slowly feeling the volatility of the market and of the country’s economy. They feel the trade war policies will eventually create a negative effect on their small business by as early as next year.

Ms. Wronski added that trade war is the current issue that has been causing a huge divergence in the size of small business owners who expect Trump’s trade wars will bring either positive or negative effects by next year. She recalls that there was a time when the numbers were almost even, and at times even net positive.

In the ongoing saga of the US China Trade War, the number of business owners anticipating a negative impact is now twice as many as those expecting a positive effect for their small enterprises .

The SBE Council’s Take On the Eroding Confidence of Small Businesses

Small Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE) Council president and CEO Karen Kerrigan, said

”The longer the trade war with China continues, the “deeper and wider” the effect will be on small businesses.”… “Optimism is still relatively high, but notably. slowly receding now that we are experiencing a critical period in the U.S. economy.”

Ms. Kerrigan explained that mid and small-size businesses depend on larger businesses, in the same way that agricultural communities are dependent on farmers to sell their products.


She remarked that if the present administration can get a China trade deal, even one that not as comprehensive but starts with something like market access and of Intellectual Property (IP) protection, as well as get the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) through Congress, it would all have a very positive effect on the markets, investors, as well as on the small businesses.

Useful Tips For The Business Traveler

Millions of people fly daily in the US and internationally to conduct critical business activities, so it’s crucial to be ready for every business trip you make. Before going any further on this article, we always encourage travelers to secure themselves the best travel insurance possible for protection as anything can happen during a trip.

Follow these tips to transform any business trip into leisure-like travel

Join A Travel Program

All regular travelers must consider signing up for a travel plan regardless of business or leisure travel. Business traveling could be exhausting and nerve-racking from time to time, so make certain you are receiving essentially the most from your air travel. Get hold of those Airmiles and gain from flight updates, use of priority check-ins and promo free flights.

Packing for Business Travel

Do not overpack business wear. It’s the most typical travel oversight. Learn to travel light to make it easier for you. Check on the following when packing:

  • Check the weather at your destination
  • Number of days to spend in your business travel
  • Events you will be attending (casual or formal events)

Pack only what is needed. Reduce your baggage by layering your outfit. Choose a few accessories. No need to pack for toiletries as these items are usually available in your destination.

Hand Luggage

If you can fit your travel needs in one hand luggage, so much the better so as to avoid wasted time in luggage check out counters. While this may not be feasible to all business travelers, it’s always at best to have a light set of clothes kept in your hand luggage along with all the important documents you are going to need.

Make your Flight time Your time

Turn your flight time into a relaxing time for yourself. Use it to gather your thoughts before meetings and use the rest of the flight time to watch a movie or just to catch a much-needed nap.

Lastly, take pleasure in the trip! These types of travels are great opportunities to become acquainted with your clients and work acquaintances.

Consumer Loan and Business Loan: How are they different?

The way businesses borrow funds to finance the operation cost or expense of their business is basically different from the way consumers borrow funds to be able to make purchases or pay off unexpected bills. See www.forbrukslån.com. Although several purchases may be alike, like purchasing a property, the terms and conditions concerning a business loan differs greatly from that of a consumer loan.

The Difference Between Consumer and Business Loan

A consumer loan is when an individual borrows secured or unsecured funds or money from a lender. Consumer loan includes credit cards, mortgages, home equity lines of credit, refinances, auto loans, student loans, as well as personal loans

A business loan, on the other hand, is a loan particularly meant for business reasons or purposes. Similar to other loans, it entails the generation of a debt wherein it will be paid back together with interest. Business loan includes microloans, invoice financing, mezzanine financing, bank loans, asset-based financing, cash flow loans, as well as business cash advances.

Collateral or Asset

Typically, both consumer loans and business loans necessitate collateral, also called assets, for the purpose of securing or protecting the loan. The collateral for both loans may include investments or real estate. Moreover, a business loan may possibly be collateralized by furniture and fixtures, equipment or inventory. Besides safeguarding the business assets, a business loan may necessitate the owner of the business to also make their personal assets available.

Loan Guarantor

Usually, a consumer loan doesn’t necessitate a guarantor to be able to take out a loan. A guarantor is an individual who guarantees or assures that the borrower will pay back the money borrowed. In the event that the loan isn’t settled by the borrower on the agreed schedule, the bank or the lender could legally go after the guarantor who signed the loan for payment. For a business, when they apply for a loan, the business owners typically need to sign themselves as guarantors. By doing so, their personal assets as well as their business assets are placed at risk.


Frequently, a consumer loan will necessitate pay stubs, a credit report, or tax returns. For business loans, the business’ credit reports will be evaluated. Furthermore, businesses taking out a business loan will be obligated to supply financial statements for the last three years. Financial institutions oftentimes need these financial statements to be compiled and documented by a certified accountant. Additionally, tax returns as well as duplicates of contracts with suppliers, merchant and customers may be a requirement as well. Generally, the needed documentations for a business loan to be granted transcend what is necessitated for a consumer loan.

Payment Terms

Typically, business loans have a term that is shorter with the inclusion of a greater interest rate compared to a consumer loan. At times, this could hinge on how long a business has operated and the available quantity of collateral for the loan. If an inventory is the only thing that secures a business loan, the loan will have a shorter term and will have an interest rate that’s higher compared to a business loan wherein it is secured by an asset that’s of more value such as real estate. Furthermore, certain business loans are callable loans wherein banking institutions are at a particular time permitted to call the loan due.  If the loan is called due, it is a must for the borrower to settle the full remaining loan amount.

Growing Your Business Loan

It doesn’t matter if you receive loan from a bank or from Zebra loans from New Zealand or has acquired it through alternative lender. What matters most here is that, the funds you have acquired can help you in achieving your business goals, ensure continued growth and make the necessary changes.

Probably, your mind is thinking of all potential outcomes with the money you have on hand. However, just before loan reaches your bank account, it is vital to think thoroughly of what you should do with your funds. According to business finance experts, there are certain methods that should be applied when managing your finances, more so if it comes from a business loan.

Initially, your personal money and business money has to be in a separate account. In the event that you are using the loan funds in covering the existing operational purchases and expenses, then you may want to put it somewhere other than your main business checking account. In essence, pretending that the money is not there and transferring only when you need it prevents you from overspending.

Automatic Loan Repayments

We are all guilty of missing or having late payments on our loan. And while this may be common to many of us, this is no laughing matter. It can damage your credit score. Furthermore, it can make it harder to borrow money in case you need it in the future. One way of ensuring that you’d stay on top of loan repayments is to set up automatic debits.

Majority of the lenders have an online banking system that lets you do this. So long as you know that there will be fund that would come in every month to make the payments, it is going to save you from the hassle and stress of moving your money manually.

What must be Avoided?

Of course, if there are things that you can do to make the most of your newly acquired business loans, there are couple of things that has to be averted as well. What are these things if you may ask? Read on…

Spending simply because you could – probably, there are dozens of smaller expenses that you have to cover from your newly acquired loan. Before spreading the money out, make sure that you’ve prepared a plan for that bulk of money.

You may be thinking that spending 20 or 50 dollars here and there will not affect your financial strategy? Think again! This little amount will gradually add up and before you know it, you already fall short on funds and stressed out on where to get money again.

Fundamentals of Applying for a Business Loan Online

Regardless if you are starting a business or expanding it, money will definitely be involved. In this matter, online money lenders can be a great option to get business loans with best interests. Furthermore, they can offer you with more flexible payment terms allowing you to gradually get back up with whatever you owe.

With business loans online, the lending agencies have discovered a way in which the loan process can be simplified. Therefore, it makes loan application process faster and easier.

Now, there’s no need to bring the entire document, travel to their office and stand in queue just to get your loans.

In fact, to guarantee that you’ll get an approval, you can browse seasoned tradelines at personaltradelines.com.

Everything’s Online Today

As the name suggests, online business loans are based entirely online. Here, you just have to fill up a form and enter the details asked. With the form, you’ll have to furnish a couple of documents such as:

  • Credit history
  • Business details
  • Number of your employees
  • Fiscal year
  • Financial statement
  • Federal Tax ID

If you are seeking to finance or get funding for a new business, you will have to showcase your business plan. At this point, any secrecy you have with your business will be disclosed. Unless you are ready to discuss all of it, you don’t have a shot for an approval.

In the event that you have bad credit score, don’t fret. Online business loans aren’t discriminatory in such. Still proceed with the application and who knows, they may allow you to have a business loan. However, it might not just be the amount that you initially expected.

Your Personal Details

On top of the general business info that will be requested from you, you will need to provide your personal info. This will include:

  • Monthly housing payments
  • Percentage of business you own and;
  • Any outstanding debts

Expect online business loan lenders to ask you these questions. They will assess the information and the risks involved if they lend you money. Their expert team will assess whether or not the business will run. So make sure that you are transparent with everything you tell them. One way or the other, they’re going to figure it out.

After all, the information that you’ll disclose to them will be kept confidential. So nothing’s going to go out in public.

The Balance Sheet : A Reflection of How Much a Business is Really Worth

The Balance Sheet is one of three financial reports required by tax authorities when filing annual income tax returns. The other two being the Income Statement and the Statement of Cash Flow. All three financial reports contain pieces of interrelated information that consistently show how the results of business operations during the year, changed the financial conditions of a business entity.

The Income Statement presents a summary of how much of the business resources were used to generate income; whilst culminating with a bottom line figure that will result in a net increase (Net Income) or decrease (Net Loss) in the net worth or equity of the business.

The Statement of Cash Flow on the other hand, presents a reconciliation of the financial information reflected in the Income Statement with those appearing in the Balance Sheet.


That being the case, the Balance Sheet will provide a proven summary of the assets and liabilities of the business after the result (Net Profit or Net Loss) of the recent year’s operation has been taken into consideration

Important Financial Information Provided by the Balance Sheet

The bottom line figure (Net Income or Net Loss) presented by the Income Statement will cause a change in the capital or equity invested in the business. Net Income will naturally result in an increase; conversely, a Net Loss will cause a decrease. This particular aspect is shown as a sub-summary under the Capital or Stockholders’ Equity Section; .

Capital, Beginning or Stockholders’ Equity Beginning as of Jan. 01, 2019 —– xxx
Add: Net Income Realized or (Net Loss) Incurred in Year 2019 ——————- xxx or (xxx)

Capital End or Stockholders’ Equity End as of December 31, 2019 ————– xxx

Determining if the Increase in Capital Improved the Financial Condition of a Business

A financial reviewer will analyze if the resulting increase in capital or equity improved the financial condition of a business entity. This can be done by determining the Working Capital as of statement period, by deducting the Total Current Liabilities from the Total Current Assets. A positive Working Capital indicates growth in capability, while a negative Working Capital means there is capital or funding deficiency that must be addressed.

A negative Working Capital denotes that the business is not liquid. It indicates that its Current Assets, such as Cash, Inventory, Accounts Receivable and Marketable Securities will practically be used in paying off financial obligations that will fall due within the year of operation. Necessary expenses therefore to continue business operations for the next year will rely on Accounts Receivable collections, from cash generated by next year’s selling activities, or from sale of Marketable Securities. Such condition requires a thorough review of how business assets are being used, to determine if adjustments in spending will reduce the Working Capital deficit.

If business resources are not enough, the owner/s may have to infuse additional funds to increase the Working Capital.

In the event that the owner or the stockholders are unable to raise additional capitalization, the business entity may be constrained to secure a short-term loan in order to stay liquid. Securing money by way of a loan though, does not solve the Working Capital deficit. It will in fact result in an increase in liability instead of capitalization.

Business Loans: Smart Reasons to Avail it Now

Contract, Business, Document, Sign, Deal, Legal

Once you start to spread the word that you want to venture in to a business and you are also considering to apply for a loan, you may be getting a lot of violent reactions and different kinds of opinions. From general naysayers to cautionary anecdotes, almost everyone have a story to tell about their experience with loan and how lainavertailu and comparing loans helped them in determining the most appropriate type of loan to choose to start or expand your business venture.  If you you want a loan to make a dream come true or combine existing loans? Zmarta compares loan offers for you so you can choose the best loan offer from their lenders.

If you are torn between deciding to apply for a business loan or not, here are reasons you might want to re-consider applying for a small business loan.

1. You’re ready to expand your physical location. Your office is already busting and your new assistant badly need to set up in the kitchen but it may only seem possible if you will expand location. Another example is if you are running a restaurant or reatail store, and  the number of customers are increasing each day and it is becoming crowded at the restaurant. This is a great news because it simply means that the business is booming and you are ready for the next move. Hence, you may need a term loan to finance a big move. 

Money, Fund, Loan, Gift, Cash, Financial, Accounting

2. Building credit for the future. 

Getting a business loan is also applicable to those who are planning to apply for a larger-scale financing for their business in the next few years. The case can be made for starting with a smaller, short-term loan so as to build your business credit. New businesses can usually have a difficult time accepting for bigger loans if both the business and the owners don’t have a solid credit history to report.

3. Purchase more inventory

One of the biggest challenges and expenses of a business is inventory. Quite the same to purchasing equipment, you need to keep up with the demand by replenishing your inventory with a lot of good-quality choices. This can prove hard at times when you need to buy large amounts of inventory before knowing how much will be the return of investment.

Of course, you want to be confident when it comes to paying back a business loan through time and to see your business boom. Every business decision involves taking a risk. Ultimately, only you can decide whether you are going to take the risk and if it is worthy.

Expect these Challenges when Opening and Running a Business

For any entrepreneur, putting a startup is always the most difficult and most challenging step. Of course, this is after taking a deliberate decision whether to start a business or not. This is totally understandable because just a small and wrong move can incur heavy lose of finances and self-confidence. Having said that, you have to invest enough resources to evaluate every single aspect of your idea to secure success and overcome any challenges that might transpire.

Challenges and Failure are Normal

Basically, this is the same thing that had happened with WOT. Lots of challenges come along the way in the early years of running the business. But with thorough consideration of every angle of running a business, no challenges that they weren’t able to overcome. It is normal for new business ventures to go through setbacks and failures.

You have to be ready in taking the plunge and muster the confidence to overcome every challenge that you will face.

Additionally, it helps if you would seek continuous learning by gaining new knowledge and experience.

Stand with Your Idea

If you firmly believe that you are capable of turning one innovative idea to a business, which is a big challenge, then you have to prepare yourself on a couple of things. These things are:

  • Is that idea can be advanced and developed
  • Is it financially possible
  • Is there a market for it and;
  • Can you pursue and maintain the momentum for as long as your business is alive

It is important that you take enough time to deeply study the marketability of your idea and product and/or service.

Don’t make it Personal

You have to learn how to see new opportunities in every obstacle that you are taking. The market is huge and it’s anyone who takes a dive to it makes a gamble. You have to know the rules and play the game fair. Evaluate your business worth every now and then by means of understanding the specific requirements of your consumers. Reach out to your loyal customers regularly. This is a win-win situation actually. You get to keep them doing business with you and they on the other hand knows that they are well cared for.

Start A Tax Preparation Business And Be Your Own Boss

Tax preparers, like the tax preparer in Tucson, prepare and file for paying clients state and federal tax returns. In several states, tax preparers may work alone, however in other states, it is needed for them to work under the guidance or supervision of an attorney, a CPA or Certified Public Accountant, or other tax experts.


To be a tax preparer, one must be knowledgeable with the numerous tax forms as well as the issued schedules or timetables by the state tax boards and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Moreover, one must also be familiar and comfortable working with mathematics and computers since tax preparers examine the financial accounts of clients and work with them to calculate and determine tax obligations, tax credits as well as deductions they may be qualified for. Appropriate forms are then filled out and submitted to the federal and state government on behalf of their clients, placing their name on the tax return to mention themselves as the tax preparer.


Starting a Tax Preparation Business

If you are practiced specialist in tax preparation, you could put up your own tax preparation venture to help people as well as small businesses in the preparation of their tax.

Numerous tax preparers discover that their passion and enthusiasm is in helping others out and going beyond to ensure a tax outcome that is most feasibly favorable for families.

At times, this passion drives them to start their own independent tax preparation business, however the questions of where and how to begin could be disheartening. Here’s how you could start:

Absorb everything you could about tax preparation and tax codes and get a certified.

If you have no sufficient knowledge regarding tax preparation, attend a school for tax preparation and/or sign up for a tax preparation course. For practiced tax preparers, be up-to-date and continually learn about tax preparation and codes.

Obtain experience.

After graduation in tax school, majority of these schools offer employment that is seasonal as a part-time job for tax preparers. Gain experience points by working for a tax preparation business and work with various individuals. Familiarize yourself with filing electronically as well as with the filling system of the IRS.

Legally structure and organize your business.

Create a limited liability company, a corporation, or a sole proprietorship. Get an attorney to make a draft of your articles of incorporation or organization and file them with the office of the state secretary. You could also opt to utilize a legal preparation service online. Have the name of your tax preparation business registered with the division of corporations of the state or the county clerk.

Purchase a software dedicated to tax preparation.

Tax preparation software are offered from several manufacturers. This software is intended for commercial usage and also provides electronic filing system with the IRS.

Be insured.

Get in touch with a certified insurance agent to ascertain which products as well as the amount of coverage you will be needing. Usually, an insurance on errors and omissions and liability insurances are what you necessitate.  

Find a great location and space.

Look for a work space that could provide a space for a reception area, a consultation or conference room and an office. Another option is to have a dedicated workspace in the comforts of your own home to make your business “home-base.” Make certain you have a phone line exclusively for your business, access to the internet, adequate outlets for computers, printers and other needed equipment. Moreover, make sure you have ample storage since the IRS hard copies of the returns of your clients to be kept on file for five years in the event of an audit.


Making Smart Investment Decisions

A huge part of our lives involve making financial decisions. But sometimes our decisions are made easily without properly thinking things through. Well, most of the time those decisions are correct, however, they can also have negative impact. Even if we think that our decisions are right, it is important to take a step back and reflect the decisions we made. Are they smart? are they best decision? If not, then how do we come up with smart and generous financial decisions?

Unfortunately, financial management is not being prioritized in schools. Hence, student either learn how to make smart financial decisions at a later part of their lives or their parents will educate their children. Below are the things to consider in order to make smart financial decisions.

  1. Don’t Make Big Decisions Quickly- there was this couple, who want to get a huge amount of money from their retirement funds because they want to buy a high end car. I doubt that they thought this for a long time. Another example is that a couple wants to  buy a house but they don’t have enough money. This can be turned in to a wise decision since there are many possible options to get loans from direct lender. As long as they careful when it comes to getting loans and they will be paying it off very soon then they are good.
  2. Take Educated Risk-  Nowadays, it is important to take risks. However, there are different types of risks.  It is important to take educated risks. Say, for example it is a wise decision to diversify your investments through the stock market. It is indeed an educated risk because you are almost betting on the entire stock market. Unfortunately, most people are afraid to take these kinds of risks because they just want to stay on their comfort zone and afraid of failure. Hence, they are losing so many opportunities. For example, someone took their time, money, and effort to start a business that is not one hundred percent sure of being successful, and it turns out that the market loved it. It was a huge risk since the business could have been a failure, but it worked out just fine.
  3. Seek Advice from the Professional- in order to make the right decision when it comes to investing, seeking financial advice will be of great help because they know when and where you must invest based on your financial status and financial goal. By asking their help, you will be able to come up with a detailed and appropriate financial plan that will lead you in achieving your financial goals.


Starting A Peer-To-Peer Lending Business

After the Great Recession, traditional lending and financing institutions like banks have become unenthusiastic and disinclined to loan or lend money to higher-risk businesses or people. To fill this gap, businesses dedicated to peer-to-peer or p2p lending have come into view, and the reviews have been promising, such as the crowdestor review. These websites or lending platforms allow individuals to avail loans for any purpose, whether it is to pay off or consolidate debts, home renovations or to start a small business. Instead of banks, these loans are financed by other individuals.

Starting a P2P Lending Business

Usually, peer-to-peer lending businesses work as marketplaces wherein they connect borrowers to willing lenders. Setting up a website for p2p lending is easy, however starting and establishing a p2p lending business that would flourish and endure is a considerably serious venture. If you are considering starting a business on p2p lending, take into account that you are also creating a business that is tremendously high-risk in a sector that is heavily regulated.

Create a Platform

Most proprietors of peer-to-peer startup businesses choose to set up their workplace or office in the comforts of their own home. This cuts the cost of paying rent which saves you money to use in creating your business website instead. The website will be your principal platform wherein you will be automating the submissions of loan applications as well as the process of screening. Social media platforms could also be utilized given that a great number of people are on it.

Have Lending Partners

Although you can do it as a solo venture, it would be good to communicate with other lending partners to have variety and diversity in your line of loaning products.

Determine How Much You Have and Do Credit History Check

Before giving anyone a loan, perform a history check on their credit, even though they are your peers. In actuality, banks have substantial and strong reasons as to why there are loans being denied. It is essential to find out why a bank denied an individual for a loan so as to not commit a slip-up. For a peer-to-peer business, you must have a stable stream of money.

Identify the Risks to Plan Accordingly

Usually, the course of action taken by individuals who have been refused or denied by banks is to go to P2P lending alternatives. This could be an indication that these are clients who are possibly a risk, so make sure to screen cautiously.  Set the interest at a higher rate to counteract the higher level of risk. Other possibilities of risks include your servers that hackers will frequently attack to obtain sensitive data. So as for your business and data to be secured, hire a professional for an effectual security. Have an official legal rep that you could contact at any time of the day for help or legal advice regarding your P2P lending business.


Good Reasons to Invest While You Still Can

It’s not the question about how much you have or what experience you have. If you want to enjoy your life to the fullest, then you must have something to support it. And we all know that working alone won’t cut. We need additional source of income to ensure that we’ll get to enjoy everything that life has to offer.

STOP! This will Change Your Mind!

What better way of doing this than investing? If you feel skeptical about this proposition or perhaps thinking that it is not for you… then I encourage you to read the entire post. You’ll definitely have a change of heart after learning the reasons below.

Reason number 1. It’s for Your Freedom

One thing that people get wrong about investment is thinking that it’s about getting rich. While it is one of the objectives of doing such, the real purpose of it is more about having financial freedom. At the same time, being able to have the ability to support yourself and your family without income.

Because the hard reality is, your body will used up all its energy at some point in time.

The question left is, would you like to be forced to stop working before you are financially ready or would you rather have the option to stop when you want? These are questions that can be answered when you invest.

Reason number 2. It is Free Money People

Working for a company that is offering 401k gives great chance that they’re offering some sort of employer match too. Meaning to say, they’ll be matching the contributions you made for a certain point.

To give you a quick example, typically, employer match can be 100 percent of first 3 percent of salary contributed. Meaning to say, if you have contributed 3 percent of your salary to 401k every paycheck, your employer is required to match the same contribution you have made. This is on top of the monthly salary you are making.

If you’d analyze it, this is free money and you can instantly double up your retirement savings.

Reason number 3. It’s Okay to Fail

Countless of people are afraid to invest. This is true whether it is about retail, buy & sell, trade cryptocurrency on http://vipsignals.trade and whatnot. It feels as if it’s a big and complex project wherein you have to fork out huge sum of money. Not to mention, the amount of energy and time to be invested to get you where you wanted to be.

In reality, yes, you’d have to do this. But this is only for the first few years of your investment. Once it gained traction, the returns you get is 2x or 3x as much as the initial investment you made.

Income Statement : A Report of the Net Profit Yield and More

Not a few have ventured into running a business enterprise without fully comprehending the importance of financial reports as tools for managing business finances. Often times, they perceive financial statements as mere reportorial requirements for taxation purposes or for getting a loan application approval.

One should stop to think that if such reports are important to tax bureaus and to lending institutions, then it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to fully comprehend what financial reports convey. Financial reports, such as the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement serve as guides on how to effectively manage the financial conditions of a business.

If for financial management purposes, requiring the preparation of monthly reports is a best practice to consider.

What Does the Income Statement Convey?

The Income Statement may seem easy to comprehend as it merely summarizes the total cash revenues generated and the total operating expenses incurred for a certain period. First off, an Income Statement always covers a specific period, for a month at the least, for a quarter or semi-annual period or for a year.

The Income or Revenue is at first stated as Gross Income or Gross Revenue, which means the sum of all cash received as evidenced by official sales receipts issued during the period covered. The Gross Revenue will then be adjusted by deducting any Unearned Income and the the total Direct Costs, to arrive at the Gross Profit. Unearned Income is revenue already received but recognizable as income only on some future period.

In a simple trading firm, Direct Costs usually relate to the Cost of Goods or Merchandise Sold for the period. The Gross Profit therefore represents the markup yield.

The next goal is to determine the Net Profit, which is achieved by deducting the Total Operating Expenses from the Gross Profit, including non-cash items like depreciation and interest expense amortizations. The bottom line figure after the Net Profit is the Net Profit After Tax, being the actual amount that will increase a business entity’s Net Worth.

In cases where the Total Operating Expenses is greater than the Gross Profit, then a Net Loss was incurred. This calls for a deeper examination of the composition of the Total Revenues reported, and for an analysis of the proper matching of all costs and operating expenses deducted from the Gross Revenue.

Some expenses may have been overstated because part of expense values are applicable as deductions for the next periodic report. In other cases, Net Loss is incurred by failing to consider the overall overhead costs it would take to sell the goods.

Actually there are several other information that can be revealed by correlating Income Statement values with those presented in the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement.

Importance Of Financial Management In Every Business

Finance is vital in almost every business decision. From planning, budgeting, and cash flow procedures to the financial framework and even in the management of costs and risks associated with the business.

Finance plays an essential role in every business entity even in the government sector. Employers use their financial data every day to make decisions. Finance is essential to assess the present standing of a business and where it is headed in the future. Companies are not able to function well without proper financial analysis.

Handling Inevitable Risks

Managing a business enterprise can be risky. An entrepreneur has worries with regards to the trend of interest rates, fluctuations in currency, fluctuations in product prices, and threats of non-payment due to various reasons. Financial records keep an eye on these aspects and provide records an overview of the business as a whole.

Finance management assesses the risks of worldwide trading markets, determines the credit rating of buyers, evaluates loan terms from loan providers and offers an analysis of the challenges in many aspects of business finances.

Tactical Planning and Cost Management

Financial planning is essential in every business. Planning helps you determine the goals of your business and the costs needed to get there. Business plans help you form the structure for employing staff, financial spending, raising capital, marketing plans and additional bonuses for administration.

Equity or Loan?

Following strategic plan creation, the finance department follows the ways of funding business functions. Would it be preferable to raise equity capital from shareholders or get financial loans from financial institutions? In most cases, financial analysis can give a better view of the best direction to go.

For businesses in New Zealand considering to take out additional funds through lending, Need Money Now offers easy and quick loans in New Zealand. Check them out.

Cost Control and Profit Planning

It’s no surprise that the foundation of your business is to make profits. Therefore, finance plays an important part to find strategies to boost earnings. This may relate to discovering the level of profitability of products, eliminating losers, and endorsing the winners. Business finance can help determine strategic approaches as to how to better production or discover affordable raw materials.

Small and medium-sized business owners are regularly going over their financial statements to realize finances and unforeseen costs. This is called exception financial management. If every aspect of the business is consistent with the profit plan, there will be lesser problems to encounter. However, financial managers would still look closely at the financial flow to correct and avoid deviations.

Cash Flow Management

It is the task of the finance department to ensure the company has plenty of liquidity to compensate its suppliers as well as their employees promptly. In the event that cash gets limited, the finance department will make preparations to work with the company’s line of credit in banks.

On the other hand, having excessive funds that are idle in the company’s bank account is not benefitting the company’s return on investment. Thus, after financial analysis, finance people will find ways to invest cash to produce better returns.

Inspirational Quote about Finance: "Making money is a hobby that will complement any other hobbies you have, beautifully."